Friday, June 22, 2007

Another breakdown of a government plane

It's already getting boring... Just recently - on Friday, June 21 - there has been another failure involving one of the governmental plane. When a TU-154M was taking-off from an airport in Bagram, Afganistan one of the tires blew off. The plane was carrying the speaker of the Polish Sejm (lower chamber of the Polish parliament). The plane managed to fly to Warsaw, and landed with a broken tire, where it was taken care of by the ground technicians. Nobody on board was hurt. The damage could have been caused by an unidentified object lying on the runway of Bagram's airport. At the moment the Polish government doesn't have any long-distance plane, as one of the TU-154M's has a broken wheel, and another one is being overhauled in Russia.
The Polish Prime Minister stated recently that he's hoping the governmental fleet to be exchanged very soon, because "flying with those planes is associated with more and more tension".

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