Na pokładzie samolotu Boeing 737-800 kenijskich linii lotniczych Kenya Airways, który leciał z Duali w Kamerunie do stolicy Kenii, Nairobi, znajdowało się 114 osób, w tym 9 członków załogi. Brak informacji na temat ich losu. media podają sprzeczne informacje na temat śladów wraku maszyny, która spadła na porośnięty dżunglą obszar w południowym Kamerunie - ok. 150 km na południe od Duali - wkrótce po starcie w nocy z piątku na sobotę.
Thomas Sobakam, meteorolog z lotniska w Duali, podał, że ekipy ratunkowe i poszukiwawcze dotarły do śladów, wskazujących na rozbity samolot, ale nie były to części wraku.
Wśród pasażerów było m.in. 37 Kameruńczyków, 15 Hindusów, 7 obywateli RPA, Amerykanin, Koreańczyk, Szwajcar i Szwed.
Pełną imienną listę pasażerów można zobaczyć TUTAJ
Signs of crashed Kenya Airways plane found
Read the latest article on the Kenya Airways crash in The Times of India.
Read the Kenya Airways press release by clicking HERE
LOLODORF (CAMEROON): Signs have been found of a Kenya-bound flight that crashed in Cameroon with 114 people aboard, an aviation official said on Sunday. Thomas Sobakam, chief of meteorology for the Douala airport from where the flight took off, refused to describe the signs, but said they were not pieces of wreckage. He said a state radio report the crash site had been located was premature. He refused further comment, stressing that the search for the plane's body continued.
Michael Okwiri, spokesman for Kenya Airways, said officials in Kenya also received reports that the plane had been found but could not confirm them.
"We have the same information, that the crash site has been located 180 kilometres from Douala," he said. "We have people on the ground and there appears to be conflicting information."
Kenyan government spokesman Alfred Mutua said he heard the reports the plane had been found and contacted Cameroonian authorities, but they "refused to verify the reports. They have asked us to give them some time."
The international search for the Kenya Airways plane, which disappeared early on Saturday, has been hampered by heavy rain followed by fog, thick forest and the rugged, remote terrain where it was believed to have crashed.
A Kenya Airways official added at a news conference in Nairobi earlier on Sunday that the plane stopped emitting signals after an initial distress call, though an automatic device should have kept up emissions for another two days.
"Why the signal is not being heard right now, we're not quite sure," said Kenya Airways CEO Titus Naikuni.
1 comment:
Power failure probable cause in plane crash
Invesitigators focused on the possibility a Kenya Airways jestliner lost power in both engines during a storm just after takeoff and was trying to glide back to the airport, when it plunged into a mangrove swamp 12 miles from the runway.
After being delayed an hour by storms, the Kenya-bound Boeing 737-800 sent a distressed signal shortly after takeoff early Saturday, then lost contact 11 to 13 minutes later. It took 40 hours to find the wreckage, most of it submerged in murky orange-brown water and concealed by a caanopy of trees.
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