Friday, April 11, 2008

Jay Leno żartuje o American Airlines

Jay Leno took note of American Airlines and the many, many flight cancellations on The Tonight Show Thursday night.
"There were a number of anti-American demonstrations today. Not in Iran - at American Airlines terminals."
"it's unbelievable isn't it?"
"Today, on the news, they said the cancellations may get worse. Worse? How can they get worse? They're canceled. Huh? What are they going to do? Take your luggage and then punch you in the face, too?"

Meanwhile Friday was another day of flight cancellations at AA. 570 flights were canceled nationwide. It's been over 3 thousand flights grounded since Tuesday, when FAA ordered inspections of electrical wiring in MD-80 planes, which constitute nearly 50% of AA fleet. Other big carriers going through MD-80 planes inspections are Alaska Airlines and Midwest. The cancellations at AA are supposed to be over on Saturday, when the carrier is to resume a regular service on MD-80 planes.

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